Meditation in the workplace

Meditation in the workplace

De-stress at work! Try Mindful Ayurveda's meditation service to relax & regroup. It is well known that meditation improves your concentration and attention span, and you don't have to practice meditation for hours upon hours to see the benefits. Meditation has even been found to reverse brain patterns that contribute to poor attention and mind wandering. The truth about meditation is that there are many types of meditation. However, what they all have in common is that, over time, they reduce stress levels efficiently. Through meditation, we can eliminate physical tension within the body, releasing worries buried within the mind. This can ease anxiety, stress and low moods and even help you achieve a deeper, more restful sleep by releasing physical tension. It has also been discovered that meditation can bring a calm that allows us to respond to life events in a measured way. This is rather than reacting out of our emotions to events.

Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga involves a series of movements and deep breathing exercises known in yoga. Laughter Yoga has many health benefits both physical and psychological, level as simulated laughter soon becomes real when there is eye contact, movements and a willingness to participate. Though laughing therapy has been used for decades, laughing yoga was discovered by Dr Madan Kataria, a family physician in Mumbai, India, in 1995.