Back Massage


Enhance your body-mind connection with this fantastic remedial back massage.

A back massage provides relief from pain and tension. A therapeutic Indian back massage that works on the 14 Marma points. These points control the skeletal system, circulatory system, plasma, and lymphatic system among others. A combination of marma point therapy and warm herbal oil can relieve back and shoulder pain. 

Pristhabhyanga targets the marma points along the spine. In addition to supporting the body and central nervous system, the spine plays an important role in health. This massage uses extremely effective yet gentle pressure techniques, resulting in a calming, relaxing, and therapeutic experience.

The nervous system relaxes as the body relaxes. Slowing down your breathing and heart rate allows your body to heal itself.

Treatment reduces back pain, relaxes muscles, reduces stress, promotes energy flow, and clears energy blocks.



"I had the express Prishtabhanga back massage and LOVED it! Felt longer than 30 mins, excellent value for money and a lovely relaxing therapy room. Friendly therapist with friendly knowledge, and I slept the best I have in ages. Will be booking ing in again soon 🙏🏻 💆🏻‍♀️"